Women In Leadership Networking Event 
ALOM’s Women in Leadership initiative began in 2018 as an effort to connect women in local government through networking opportunities in order to share unique experiences and build a community. Since, it has been an extremely popular addition to the ALOM events calendar.
Please join other ALOM stakeholders as the Women In Leadership Networking Event returns with opportunities for women in the local government sphere to share in the spirit of intergovernmental cooperation.
- Wednesday, May 22
- 11:30a.m. – 2:00p.m.
- Ticket cost is $25 and includes a buffet lunch
Featured Speakers on Women Leaders Navigating Emergency Services:
- Leslie Osche, Chair, Butler County Board of Commissioners
- Rebecca Frazier, Assistant Chief/Deputy Director, Allegheny County Department of Emergency Services
- Lisa Franklin-Robinson, President of Council, North Braddock Borough
- Stephanie Stevenson, Deputy Regional Director, Southwest Region, PA Department of Community & Economic Development
Event registration is now closed. Please email crystal@alleghenyleague.org with any questions.
Special thanks to program partner Local Government Academy!
Event Sponsors