Municipal Resources

Allegheny County:

  • Allegheny County Official website for Allegheny County. Provides a variety and multitude of information and resources for municipalities and residents of Allegheny County. Specific contact information for the various departments, offices and divisions can be found by selecting CONTACT on the widget in the upper right hand corner of the site.
  • ALCOSAN Provides wastewater treatment services to 83 municipalities including the city of Pittsburgh. Provides a secure data exchange portal that posts data, plans, reports, maps and more for customer municipalities.   Can be reached by phone at 412-766-4810.

State Associations:

  • Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs (PSAB) A statewide, non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to serving Pennsylvania’s 956 borough governments. Achieves this through legislative advocacy, research, education, and other services. Can be reached by phone at 717-236-9526 or by fax at 717-236-8164.
  • Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS) Serves Pennsylvania’s second class townships through lobbying state and federal lawmakers and educating and informing its members through workshops, an annual conference and publications. Can be reached by phone at 717-763-0930 or by fax at 717-763-9732.
  • Pennsylvania State Association of Township Commissioners (PSATC) Represents Pennsylvania’s first class townships and their elected governing officials before the Pennsylvania General Assembly and the Commonwealth’s various agencies. Can be reached by phone at 717-232-6540 or by fax at 717-236-6716.
  • Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Association Represents more than 700 municipal authorities across the state that provide drinking water, sewage treatment, waste management, and recreational and community projects. Offers members legal counsel, legislative services, education and training workshops, an annual conference, various insurance and pension programs, information services and a wide collection of publications. Can be reached by phone at 717-737-7655 or by fax at 717-737-8431.
  • County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania Provides county leaders with information and guidance related to legislation, education, media, insurance, technology and many other issues that help create and maintain crucial services for residents throughout the state. Can be reached by phone at 717-526-1010 or by fax at 717-526-1020. For Email, contact the Executive Secretary, Lori Dabbondanza, at
  • Pennsylvania Municipal League A nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that act as an advocate for participating Pennsylvania cities, townships, town, boroughs, and home rule municipalities. Undertakes a wide array of initiatives that include legislative advocacy, publications, educational programs and more. Can be reached by phone at 717-236-9469 or by fax at 717-236-6716.

State Agencies:

  • PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) State department who’s mission is to foster opportunities for businesses to grow and for communities to succeed and thrive in a global economy. Provides various resources and statistics to municipalities to further this mission. Southwest Region office can be reached by phone at 412-565-5098.
  • PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) State department who’s mission is to conserve and sustain Pennsylvania’s natural resources for present and future generations’ enjoyment. Provides grants and technical assistance for communities to benefit rivers, trails, greenways, local parks and recreation, regional heritage parks, open space and natural areas. Can be reached by Email for general inquiries at Southwest Region office for Bureau of Recreation and Conservation can be reached by phone at 412-880-0486.
  • PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) State department who’s mission is to protect Pennsylvania’s air, land and water from pollution and to provide for the health and safety of its citizens through a cleaner environment. Provides grants, loans and rebates to assist with environmental issues in addition to other programs, tools and educational opportunities. Can be reached by phone at 717-783-2300.
  • Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) State agency that helps communities and citizens mitigate against, prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies including natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or other human made disasters. Provides grants and other funds and emergency preparedness programs. Can be reached by phone at 717-787-2500 or by fax at 717-772-8284.
  • Pennsylvania Office of Open Records Facilitates the filing of Right-To-Know or other records requests to state or local agencies. Can be reached by phone at 717-346-9903, by fax at 717-425-5343, or by Email at
  • Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) State authority that serves the communities and citizens of Pennsylvania by funding sewer, storm water and drinking water projects. Provides a variety of grants, loans and other funding to municipalities and individuals to assist with related projects. Can be reached by phone at 717-783-6798 or by fax at 717-787-0804.
  • Pennsylvania State Ethics Commission Independent State Agency tasked with enforcing the Ethics Act, which applies to public officials and public employees. Contains information on how to file a complaint, comply with the Ethics Act, request training and more. Can be reached by phone at 717-783-1610 or by fax at 717-787-0806.
  • Pennsylvania General Assembly Website for the Pennsylvania Legislature. Find your representative or senator or find information on committees, voting and specific legislation. Contact your senator or representative by making the proper selection under Contact at the bottom left-hand side of the page.
  • PA Auditor General Acts as the chief fiscal watchdog for Pennsylvania to ensure that all state money is spent legally and properly. Mission of the department is to serve the people of Pennsylvania by improving government accountability, transparency, and the effective use of taxpayer dollars. Can be reached by phone at 717-787-2543 or by Email at
  • PA Attorney General Pennsylvania’s top law enforcement official, with a wide range of responsibility to protect and serve the citizens and agencies of the Commonwealth. Provides a variety of education and other resources to serve the citizens of Pennsylvania as part of this mission. Can be reached by phone at 717-787-3391.
  • Local Government Commission Legislative service agency composed of members of both major parties and both houses of the general assembly. Provides research assistance to other legislators and constituents and provides a forum for municipal associations to express their views directly to legislators. Can be reached by phone at 717-787-7680 or by Email at

Non-Profit and Non-Governmental Organizations:

  • 3 Rivers Wet Weather A nonprofit environmental organization created in 1998 to support 82 Allegheny County municipalities and the City of Pittsburgh in addressing the region’s wet weather overflow problem. Provides tools and assistance to municipal staff to help their communities comply with wet weather regulations.  Can be reached by phone at 412-578-8375.
  • 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania Statewide nonprofit organization operating at the nexus of land use, infrastructure and governance. Have a stated goal of assisting local leaders to develop local strategies to address local issues and provide several resources to further this goal. Pittsburgh office can be reached by phone at 412-874-7351.
  • Allegheny Conference on Community Development Civic leadership organization that brings together public and private sector leaders and works to improve the economic future and quality of life of the 10-county Pittsburgh region.  Provides various resources and creates three-year agendas focused on specific strategies designed to encourage progress throughout the region. Can be reached by phone at 412-281-1890.
  • Local Government Academy Organization dedicating to promoting excellence in local government in the Pittsburgh region.  Provides resources and a variety of classes and programs for local government officials. Can be reached by phone at 412-586-5659 or Email at
  • Marcellus Shale Coalition Trade group for the shale gas production industry in the Appalachian Basin and across the country. Provides information from the perspective of the shale gas industry on the effects of natural gas production to policymakers, regulators, media and other public stakeholders. Can be reached by phone at 412-706-5160.
  • PA Economy League of Southwestern Pennsylvania Research affiliate of the Allegheny Conference on Community Development. Provides research and analysis on specific public policy priorities to serve the business, civic, and governmental leadership of Southwestern Pennsylvania. Media contact can be reached by phone at 412-281-4783 x3131.
  • Power of 32 Project committed to improving the future of 32+ counties in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia. Undertakes a series of initiatives designed to accomplish long-term goals for wider region. Can be reached by phone at 412-246-3200 and Email at
  • Smart Growth Partnership of Westmoreland County Community-based private non-profit dedicated to instilling smart growth principles and practices into the governance and development of Westmoreland County. Serves as a resource on land use, education and technical assistance for the communities of Westmoreland County. Can be reached by phone at 724-552-0118 and by Email at
  • Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission The official Metropolitan Planning Organization for the 10-county region that includes the Pittsburgh metropolitan area. They are responsible for planning and prioritizing the use of all state and federal transportation funds allocated to the region. Can serve as a resource for many planning, development and transportation concerns. Can be reached by phone for general inquiries at 412-391-5590 or send an Email to
  • Sustainable Pittsburgh Organization that seeks to accelerate the policy and practice of sustainability in southwestern Pennsylvania. Works with municipalities through their Sustainable Community Development Network by providing information on sustainability best practices, performance measurement, and professional development. Can be reached by phone at 412-258-6642, by fax at 412-258-6645 or send an Email to
  • University of Pittsburgh Institute of Politics Provides a forum for leaders of all sectors to gather together to examine regional issues, develop consensus, and effectuate programs that would benefit the region. Achieves this through offering various events and publications regarding local government issues to community stakeholders. Can be reached by phone at 412-624-1837 or by fax at 412-624-1141.
  • Vote Smart Organization dedicated to providing free, factual and unbiased information on candidates and elected officials. Can be reached by phone at 515-989-6363 and by Email with general questions, comments and suggestions at


  • Census 2020 Provides census information for Pennsylvania through the Pennsylvania State Data Center. Offers County and Municipal level data as well as maps. Can be reached by phone at 717-948-6336 or by Email at
  • Funding Sources Provides a list of potential funding sources through The Grantsmanship Center for free. Provides additional services relating to grants for a fee. Can be reached by phone at 213-482-9860.
  • Pennsylvania Municipal Planning Code An online copy of the Pennsylvania Municipal Planning Code. Comments and inquiries regarding this subject can be directed to the Governor’s Center for Local Government Services by phone at 717-787-8158 or Email at