Sporting Clays
Thank you for your interest in ALOM’s annual Sporting Clay Shoot and Networking Event presented by LSSE.
The event will take place on Friday, September 6 at Promise Land Sporting Clays, located at 204 Spangler Road – Freeport, PA 16229. The schedule is as follows:
- 9:00 a.m. – Registration & Breakfast
- 10:00 a.m. – Shoot Begins
- 12:30 p.m. – Program, Lunch & Prizes
Tickets are $150 per person which includes clays, ammunition, golf cart and lunch. The course is 16 stations. Individuals and teams can register (teams of 4). Ammunition is 12-gauge only – those shooting other gauges must provide their own ammo. Eye and ear protection is required and you must bring your own – eye and ear protection will not be available to rent on-site.
The event is now sold out. Please call 412-261-2521 with any questions.